Series of photos of Yajaira in Spain.

Yajaira Arroyo

Major: Political Science & Spanish


What led you to study abroad? Why did you choose your country/program?

 Entering college studying abroad had always been a goal of mine. I chose the study abroad in Madrid, Spanish because there was no language barrier, it was economically affordable, and it was during the summer, rather than a full semester.

What led you to study abroad? Why did you choose your country/program?

 Entering college studying abroad had always been a goal of mine. I chose the study abroad in Madrid, Spanish because there was no language barrier, it was economically affordable, and it was during the summer, rather than a full semester.

What salient identities do you hold? How did your identity/identities impact the way you prepared for, or chose your study abroad experience?

 I am a first generation college student. With that comes a multitude of implications, but the most salient one is this first-generation guilt I feel when I am able to travel to different countries, and not my parents. They have both sacrificed so much and yet, they haven't experienced such things.

Describe a typical day for you abroad.

 - wake up around 9 and go to a local cafe to eat a donut and coffee
- 10 am - 1 pm Spanish lecture
- 1pm - 10 pm - exploring the city, going to different museums, parks, clubs

What coursework did you take while abroad? How did courses abroad compare with Berkeley classes?

 I took two upper division Spanish courses while studying abroad to help me complete my Spanish minor requirements. Compared to Berkeley courses they were more flexible and fast-paced because of the five week limit.

Often, studying abroad can influence or shift our understanding of our own identities. How did your experiences studying abroad impact your understanding of your own identities? And/or what lessons did you learn in general related to your identities?

 Studying abroad in Spain helped me realize that I want to study abroad or have an internship in another country. The cultural experiences are indescribable to helping shape my identity.

What was the most memorable/meaningful aspect of your time abroad?

 For me, just having the opportunity to study abroad was so meaningful. I met so many amazing people and created genuine friendships all whilst living my best life.

What was the biggest challenge/concern of your study abroad experience? How did you respond?

 I was really homesick the first day. Getting adjusted to 100+ degree weather was also challenging, but not impossible.

What would you recommend to students considering studying abroad, especially if they share similar identities and/or are considering your country or program?