Bear Abroad Ashley

Ashley McQuade

Major: Nutritional Science


"I’ll forever remember my experiences abroad, as they shaped me into the person I am today. I came home with a completely different view of the world and I’m grateful for this new perspective. I believe that I was a bit naïve before I left for London, but I came come home not only more aware of who I am but more culturally enriched through my coursework and travels."


What led you to study abroad? Why did you choose your country/program?

I decided to participate in the Global Edge study abroad program, because I have always been interested in studying abroad. I also have a passion for travel. Studying abroad allowed me to combine academics with this passion. Another element of the program which intrigued me was that Global Edge was based in London. London, being a cultural hub of Europe, was an area of the world that I’d always been interested in exploring.

What was the most interesting cultural experience you had abroad?

The most interesting cultural experience I had abroad was going to the Notting Hill Carnival. It’s a yearly carnival which takes place in the streets of West London during August. The carnival is a celebration of Black British culture in Great Britain. It’s an incredibly lively festival where the streets are filled with colorful floats, blaring music, eccentric costumes, and a multitude of food and drinks to try! The carnival stretched for blocks, each area engulfed in music and dancing. There was a never-ending stream of energy coming from the crowd, making the festival one to remember.

What was the biggest challenge/concern of your study abroad experience? How did you respond?

I think the biggest concern I had about studying abroad was probably navigating not only a foreign country, but also a large city. I grew up in a suburban area of San Diego and was never really exposed to life in a large city. I’ve traveled to cities like New York and Los Angeles, but visiting and living in a city are two completely different things. However, after spending a semester fully immersed in London, I gained confidence in navigating and exploring the city. I’m no longer apprehensive or intimidated about making my way around a large city. I gained confidence by learning how to navigate around London via bus and the Tube (London’s underground rail service). It allowed me to meet an array of people from different backgrounds. I gained not only a greater degree of independence and confidence, but also an increased level of cultural awareness and acceptance.

Describe a typical day for you abroad.

A typical weekday for me usually started with a cup of tea (an obsession I picked up while living in London). I’d catch the bus around the corner from our flat, occasionally sprinting to make it! Once off the bus, I’d grab a coffee to-go and head to class. After class, I’d grab a quick meal at Pret a Manger and explore Central London, which was where our classes were located. It wasn’t difficult to find something new and intriguing. I often found myself discovering unique cafés, delicious restaurants, studying in London's beautiful parks, and often times shopping in Piccadilly Circus.

What coursework did you take while abroad? How did courses abroad compare with Berkeley classes?

I took four courses while studying in London – Museums, Theater, Calculus 1A and College Writing R4B. The teaching style in London was different from what I was used to, but I felt that it enhanced my academic experience by immersing academics with London’s diverse culture. For instance, we would often travel around London to aid class lecture and discussion. Almost every Thursday night I engaged in London’s highly acclaimed theater community by attending a multitude of plays with my Theater class. Even in my College Writing R4B class, we went to places such as the Jewish East End and Brixton to support class discussions. These opportunities allowed me to see areas of London that I probably wouldn’t have seen on my own. The coursework was a little easier than Berkeley’s, but traveling on the weekends balanced out the coursework. It made my class schedule more demanding, requiring me to learn how to efficiently manage my time. I would do this by doing homework while on the bus, train, airplane, etc.

What was the most memorable/meaningful aspect of your time abroad?

The most meaningful aspect of my time abroad was learning about the abundance of cultures in Europe. I had the opportunity to travel as far north as Iceland and witness the beautiful landscape and learn about its rich history and as far south as Italy, where my friend and I stayed in an Airbnb, fully immersing ourselves in Italian culture. Traveling around and meeting so many incredible people increased my appreciation for the myriad of cultures that make-up Europe.

What impact did studying abroad have on you personally?

Studying abroad, through all the positive and negative experiences, has helped me truly find myself. I lived in a foreign country thousands of miles away from the only home I ever knew. Studying abroad allowed me to become a more independent and confident person. I’ll forever remember my experiences abroad, as they shaped me into the person I am today. Studying abroad also further inspired me to fulfill my passion for helping those in third-world countries or impoverished areas of the United States. I came home with a completely different view of the world and I’m grateful for this new perspective. I believe that I was a bit naïve before I left for London, but I came home not only more aware of who I am but more culturally enriched through my coursework and travels.

What would you recommend to students considering studying abroad, especially to your country or program?

I would highly recommend that students considering studying abroad not to be intimidated by their fears of living and studying in a foreign country. There will be no other experience like it and they’ll be glad they took the opportunity. I had many reservations about studying abroad, but looking back, I can’t believe I almost didn’t go because I was nervous about being so far away from family/friends and navigating around a foreign country. I’ve gained so much from this experience and I hope to share these experiences and encourage others to participate in one of Berkeley’s study abroad programs as well.