Series of photos of Vivian in Italy.

Vivian Y.

Major: Cognitive Science


 "As a first generation student and financial aid recipient, I wasn’t sure if studying abroad was in the books for me. I reevaluated my four year plan and made sure to take ample summer classes so I could graduate on time and still get to study abroad."

What led you to study abroad? Why did you choose your country/program?

 I wanted to be able to travel the world while I was young and not yet tied down to a full time job. I chose Italy because it is a hub of unique historic sites, art, culture, and cuisine.

What salient identities do you hold? How did your identity/identities impact the way you prepared for, or chose your study abroad experience?

 As a first generation student and financial aid recipient, I wasn’t sure if studying abroad was in the books for me. I reevaluated my four year plan and made sure to take ample summer classes so I could graduate on time and still get to study abroad.

Describe a typical day for you abroad.

 A typical day would involve waking up for class around 8am, either walking to school or taking the bus with my housemates, getting back to our apartment around 2-3pm, hanging out with my housemates, making lunch and dinner with each other, doing our homework, and we usually ended the night going out for gelato or hanging out with our other friends in the program.

What coursework did you take while abroad? How did courses abroad compare with Berkeley classes?

 I took 4 classes while abroad, which included Italian, Sociology of Rome, Crime and Deviance, and Baroque Art History. They were pretty difficult and required more reading and evaluation.

Often, studying abroad can influence or shift our understanding of our own identities. How did your experiences studying abroad impact your understanding of your own identities? And/or what lessons did you learn in general related to your identities?

 Studying abroad made me realize that I am able to do anything I set my mind to.

What was the most memorable/meaningful aspect of your time abroad?

 The most memorable aspect of my time abroad was getting to explore Italy on our free time. I will never forget the feeling of riding a boat in the crystal blue waters of the Mediterranean and jumping off the side.

What was the biggest challenge/concern of your study abroad experience? How did you respond?

 The language barrier was pretty challenging, but most people were patient and helpful.

What would you recommend to students considering studying abroad, especially if they share similar identities and/or are considering your country or program?

 Apply for scholarships if you’re worried about finances!