Bear Abroad Ben

Ben Truong

Major: Cognitive Science


"My biggest concern was financial feasibility of the trip, which led me to work on a ton of travel research in advance. This meant making air plane decisions early, looking up cheap ways to travel once in the country, and discussing with British friends on where to buy things."


What led you to study abroad? Why did you choose your country/program?

By the end of my first semester after transfering to Cal I felt extremely motivated to discover all the opportunities available to me, which led me to rediscover the UC study abroad program. I then chose England because I have long been familiar with and captivated by the history, the people, and the architecture of the country.

What was the most interesting cultural experience you had abroad?

I had Formals when I was at Cambridge. These are dinner events open to all participating students, which let us dine in beautiful historical dining halls with professional catering.

What was the biggest challenge/concern of your study abroad experience? How did you respond?

My biggest concern was financial feasibility of the trip, which led me to work on a ton of travel research in advance. This meant making air plane decisions early, looking up cheap ways to travel once in the country, and discussing with British friends on where to buy things.

Describe a typical day for you abroad.

I would wake up, alternate between classes and the dining hall and the library till evening. Then I would go enjoy the outdoors and maybe go sightseeing around the city.

What coursework did you take while abroad? How did courses abroad compare with Berkeley classes?

I took 3 classes: Contemporary Issues in Neuroscience, Bilingualism, and Managing Strategic Alliances. The Cambridge courses were adminstered similarly with Berkeley classes during the lectures but vastly different for work load. Exams and finals were all based on essays and dissertations, which meant a lot of reading, referencing, and writing.

What was the most memorable/meaningful aspect of your time abroad?

It was when I visited the Bristol Balloon Festival during one of the weekends. Experiencing a relaxing British festival hosted on a vast countryside field was extremely breathtaking.

What impact did studying abroad have on you personally?

It helped consolidated my personal independence and challenged my academic skillset.

What would you recommend to students considering studying abroad, especially to your country or program?

Try the meal deals at Tesco. Maybe punting.