Series of Lauren in the UK.


Major: Public Health, Theatre & Performance Studies


What led you to study abroad? Why did you choose your country/program?

 I've always wanted to study abroad to see what it's like living and studying in a different country than the one I've grown up in. I ultimately chose the United Kingdom because of its active theatre community, as well as the courses that were applicable to my public health major.

Describe a typical day for you abroad.

 I would wake up and go to class. After class, I would study a bit with friends at a nearby coffee shop, then go wander around the stores on high street. Almost every week, in the late afternoon, I would get on a train to London to go then shadow a West End stage management team. After that show, I would take the train back to Oxford and go to bed.

Often, studying abroad can influence or shift our understanding of our own identities. How did your experiences studying abroad impact your understanding of your own identities? And/or what lessons did you learn in general related to your identities?

 I was able to really identify what my priorities were in terms of my career and my own goals, and realize what it's like to be truly "independent" -- I had no support system at all in the United Kingdom, so finding out almost everything from scratch was a great experience for me and cemented my identities.

What was the most memorable/meaningful aspect of your time abroad?

 The fantastic friends I made there, all of whom I wouldn't have met if I didn't study abroad since we're all from such different parts of the world. These friends are the ones who helped me really cement in my mind who I was as both a student and a person.

What was the biggest challenge/concern of your study abroad experience? How did you respond?

 COVID-19 was definitely a big concern, especially considering myself and almost everyone on my floor contracted COVID and had to isolate for a few days. I learned how to entertain myself in a 10x10 dorm room very quickly.

What would you recommend to students considering studying abroad, especially if they share similar identities and/or are considering your country or program?

 Be prepared to advocate for yourself.