Rocky Mandayam

Rocky Mandayam

Major: Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Public Policy Minor


What led you to study abroad? Why did you choose your country/program?

I wanted to experience a different life - different language, culture, people, etc. A combination of factors led me to choose my program:
1. I spoke some Spanish already, and wanted to improve
2. I did not want to live somewhere very cold
3. I wanted to study in Europe so I could explore other parts of Europe while abroad
4. I wanted to be abroad for one semester preferably (as opposed to a quarter or a year)
5. I wanted to be a regular international student possibly in classes with local students, not in a UC Center program.
6. Something intangible drew me to Spain.

What was the most interesting cultural experience you had abroad?

No one instance stands out, but my experiences talking to and hanging out with a couple of local friends were quite interesting and fun.

What was the biggest challenge/concern of your study abroad experience? How did you respond?

I was concerned about having friends that I "clicked" with. Making friends can sometimes come down to luck, and I was not sure if I would have tons of them or few of them. I responded by trying to be extra social - much more than I ever had been before that time.

A combination of my attempt to be social and luck (sitting next to the right people in class and having a wonderful roommate) led me to make really good friends.

Describe a typical day for you abroad.

I wake up and get ready. As I am usually a late riser, I don't usually eat breakfast. When I do eat breakfast, it is light (coffee, crackers, and/or cereal) as is customary in Spain.

Some weekdays, I have class, so I take the train to the university, which is located in Getafe, a suburb about 6km south of Madrid. I stay on campus until my classes end, then I come back home via the train. I eat lunch on campus or on the train (usually a packed lunch from my host family). Weekday nights I usually stay in, but some times explore the city with my friends. I had no class on Friday, so that gave me a relaxed and more free Friday I can use to explore Madrid or travel.

Many of the weekends (starting on Friday for me) I traveled. I traveled to various cities in Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Ireland, and Croatia.

What coursework did you take while abroad? How did courses abroad compare with Berkeley classes?

I took:
Artificial Intelligence
Intermediate Spanish
Microeconomic Theory
Intro to Accounting
Globalization & Society

What was the most memorable/meaningful aspect of your time abroad?

The people. I met so many people from around the world with different personalities, which is something I personally do not get at UC Berkeley.

What impact did studying abroad have on you personally?

I am more social, I am more willing to and excited to explore places, I am more eager to travel, I am better-versed in Spanish, and I have more good friends thanks to studying abroad.

What would you recommend to students considering studying abroad, especially to your country or program?

1. Make the most of your time! Keep an ongoing list of things you want to do, no matter how small they might be. You don't want to leave and then remember that you forgot to go to that cute cafe your friend mentioned to you.

2. Look up! To take in Madrid (and many other cities), check up at the tops of buildings and the skyline, instead of looking straight ahead and to your sides. It really adds to the experience.

3. The school cafeteria in Getafe is reasonably priced, so it is possible to get affordable lunches on campus.