Tang Center Health Clearance Instructions

If you are nominated or accepted to a UCEAP program and you are currently enrolled as a UC Berkeley student, please start the health clearance process outlined below 5-6 weeks prior to your program's deadline (listed in your UCEAP Predeparture Requirements). The Tang Center is unable to process health clearances for students who are not currently enrolled as UC Berkeley students.

Physical Exam

5-6 weeks prior to your program's health clearance deadline found in your UCEAP Predeparture Requirements, schedule a Physical Exam one of the following ways:

a) Log into eTang and select Messages. Click on the New Message button. Select "Contact a member of my Primary Care Team." Please include copies of any program or country specific health forms, your name, SID, UCEAP program name and country, and term in the message, and request an appointment for a Physical Exam. If any lab or x-ray tests are required, they will be scheduled first. You will receive a secure message from eTang with instructions for completing any required tests.

b) Call (510) 643-5403 to schedule your Physical Exam (PE). Leave a message for the EAP Health Clearance Coordinator specifying your full name, SID number, and the reason for your call: “I am calling to make an appointment for my Physical Exam for EAP country and program X.” You will receive an email instructing you to check your secure message on eTang within 1-4 working days. If any lab or x-ray tests are required, they will be scheduled first. You will receive a secure message from eTang with instructions for completing any required tests. Once you have completed the tests, call the EAP line (510) 643-5403 and let them know tests are completed and you need to schedule your physical exam.

The Tang Center staff is aware of any tests and lab work that are required and will have the ability to access your online Confidential Health History and Limited Authorization Form.

You will be asked by the Tang Center to provide a copy of your health certificate. This could be from your host country or host university, and can be found in your UCEAP Portal's Predeparture Requirements. If you have trouble finding this form, please ask your UCEAP Program Specialist where you can find it. The exact location differs from program to program.

If you have a chronic condition or serious past illness, contact your doctor immediately and request copies of your medical records to take with you to your physical exam.

At your physical exam appointment, the provider will also review your online Confidential Health History form that was completed on line and results of any required tests. If no additional evaluation is needed, you will receive all required paperwork at this visit.

If you did not receive your Health Clearance and Physical exam forms on the day of your physical exam, you will be notified via email to check the eTang portal for a secure message when the forms are complete.


Confidential Health History and Limited Authorization Form

Log on to the UHS eTang patient portal to fill out and submit the Confidential Health History and the Limited Authorization Form on eTang. If you have never accessed the site you will be asked to complete the "Required Privacy Notice" and the "Required Statement of Financial Responsibility" first.


If needed, the Tang Center staff will follow up with you through eTang secure message which may include requests for additional information before my clearance can be processed. Be sure to check your eTang secure messages weekly for any communication and read these instructions carefully.


The Tang Center may send you a message asking you to complete and send them a host university health form and/or a supplemental form. Host university health forms can be found in your UCEAP Portal under Predeparture Requirements, usually in the host university application instructions. If you have trouble finding this form, please ask your UCEAP Program Specialist where you can find it. The exact location differs from program to program.


If requested, completed host university and/or supplemental forms need to be submitted. The Tang Center staff will instruct you via secure message on how to submit them. Tang Center Staff cannot proceed with the health clearance until additional requests, including host university health forms and supplemental forms, have been completed.


If additional steps are required, it will take time to complete these next steps and you are responsible for requesting an extension from your UCEAP Program Specialist if there is a chance your clearance will not be turned in by the deadline.


You can find the forms on the left hand side of your eTang portal under “Medical Clearances.” This tab will appear once your forms are available. (see below)

Check eTang Secure Messages

The Tang Center will communicate with you via secure message on eTang. Please check your secure messages regularly.

If 3-4 weeks have passed after you uploaded your forms on eTang and you have not received an eTang secure message yet, please contact the Tang Center by either:

a) Logging into eTang and select Messages. Click on the New Message button. Select "Contact a member of my Primary Care Team." Please include your name, SID, UCEAP program name and country, and term in the message.

b) Call and leave a message for the UCEAP Health Clearance Coordinator at (510) 643-5403. This phone number is not staffed every day. Please note that you may have to wait several days for a response if you place a call on a Friday.

Communicating with the Tang Center

If you have questions for the Tang Center Staff, you can contact them in two ways:

a) Log into eTang and select Messages. Click on the New Message button. Select "Contact a member of my Primary Care Team." Please include copies of any program or country specific health forms, your name, SID, UCEAP program name and country, and term in the message.

b) Call and leave a message for the UCEAP Health Clearance Coordinator at (510) 643-5403. This phone number is not staffed every day. Please note that you may have to wait several days for a response if you place a call on a Friday.


The charge for the physical exam is $150, which includes the health history review. Additional fees will be charged for required tests. These fees are the same for all UCEAP students, whether or not the student is covered by SHIP, and will be billed to your CalCentral account.

If you have questions about Tang Center charges, you may reach the Cashier Office at (510) 642-8448.

Instructions for Healthcare Provider

Please share these instructions with your healthcare provider.

1. Review the student’s Confidential Health History Form and/or health history on file. Students may have additional forms required by host university/country.

2. Consider student’s stability of medical conditions, compliance, and treatment plan if needed.

3. Discuss medication or treatment availability in the host country.

4. Consider environmental or programmatic factors that may affect chronic conditions.

5. If student is seeing a specialist, the general practitioner should review any specialist notes.

6. Sign the form under the appropriate box (general practitioner or specialist).

Health Clearance Completion & Due Date

The Tang Center processes forms according to program due date. They will make every effort to complete processing within one week or more of the due date.

Please check for eTang secure message notifications regarding clearance processing. When your Health Clearance is completed by the Tang Center, you will be notified via email to check the eTang portal for a secure message. Please carefully review all information in the secure message.

How to Submit your Health Clearance Form

Please submit your health clearance form in one of these ways:

1. Email a copy to healthclearance@uceap.universityofcalifornia.edu


2. E-fax a copy to 805-893-3021

Note: Using non-encrypted email to send your completed health clearance is not private or secure. Also, there is a possibility that the email could be intercepted and read by others whom you did not intend to receive it.

Confidential Health History

Take your Confidential Health History form with you abroad for personal reference—do not submit this form to UCEAP.

If  there  are  any  changes  to  your  health  after  submitting the  health  clearance  form,  you  must  notify  UCEAP.  You  may  be required to submit an updated health clearance or treating doctor’s letter.

*Barbados participants must submit their completed West Indies Confidential Medical Questionnaire to to the campus International Office.