
The Department of Rhetoric has provided information for students who plan to study abroad. Review your department’s responses to the Major Advising Questionnaires below, then contact the department directly with any additional questions.

Advising Resources

Study Abroad Information on the Rhetoric Website

Rhetoric Advising Contact Information

Major-Specific Info

The Rhetoric department encourages its students to study abroad!  The faculty recognizes the value of students taking some time to study abroad, allowing them to immerse themselves in other cultures and academic systems while exploring differing perspectives that challenge and enhance their own. By studying abroad, students have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to apply their studies to exciting new contexts.  We believe that a liberal arts education is strengthened exponentially when our students can see their own role in a broader, more global light – as citizens of the world.  Don’t miss the opportunity to study abroad! 

Why study abroad?

There are so many ways your study abroad experience is important.  It offers you a unique opportunity to:  

  • Participate in a different educational system and get a comparative perspective in Rhetoric
  • Live in a new country, learn a new language
  • Expand your worldview by experiencing another culture
  • Tour amazing sites
  • Make an invaluable investment in your future 
When can I study abroad?

While it is possible for Rhetoric students to go abroad at almost any point in their academic careers, the particular semester, summer or year that you study abroad depends on what courses you plan to take. Meet with your departmental advisor to determine when would be the best time to fit study abroad into your academic schedule.  

Transfer students are eligible to participate as soon as they arrive at Berkeley.  Please note that application deadlines are quite early. For more information: http://studyabroad.berkeley.edu/transfer-students  

Graduate students may apply to study or pursue research at most BSA-affiliated host institutions, and may participate in the short-term language programs. For more information: http://studyabroad.berkeley.edu/graduate-students 

Where can I study abroad?

Many of BSA’s partner universities have specific Rhetoric departments/programs or offer applicable courses through related departments. The following list provides some examples of just a few of the universities where our students have taken relevant courses:  

  • Osaka University (Japan)
  • University of Cambridge (England)
  • UC Center Paris (France)
  • Irish Universities (Ireland)
  • UC Center Madrid (Spain)
  • Thammasat University (Thailand)
  • University of Hong Kong (China)
  • University of Turkey (Turkey)
  • University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania
What classes can I take?

Meet with your advisor to determine whether your study abroad courses will satisfy major requirements or electives.  Even if your courses will not fulfill requirements, this experience may be well worth your time!  

You will have many options to take courses all over the world. Some examples are: “Rhetoric and Criticism” offered at Complutense University, Madrid; “Cross Cultural Rhetoric” at Lund University, Sweden; “Chinese Rhetoric” at Peking University, Beijing. The latter is just one example of numerous language immersion courses that are available through Berkeley Study Abroad.

Berkeley Programs Questionnaire

Does your department currently sponsor a Berkeley Summer Abroad or Berkeley Global Internships program?


Do any courses offered on a Berkeley Summer Abroad or Berkeley Global Internships program currently satisfy requirements within your major?

No. However, students can petition to have courses count toward the major.

UCEAP Programs Questionnaire

What is the maximum amount of major credit given for courses taken during UCEAP? Is this maximum calculated by number of courses or by units of credit?

A maximum of 2 courses equaling 8 units.

Does your department maintain a list of courses previously awarded credit on UCEAP and/or a list of pre-approved courses for UCEAP programs? How do students access this information?

No, but please contact the department for information and advising.

Does your department have a 4-year or 2-year plan available to students that incorporates semester or year-length study abroad? How do students access this information?

Yes, a sample 4-year schedule for Rhetoric students that gives consideration to studying abroad can be found in the Rhetoric Major Map. Please contact the department for more information and advising.

What is the process in your department to have courses evaluated? What materials must be submitted? What is the timeframe for response?

We have a petition process. Complete the petition and attach a copy of the syllabus for each of the abroad courses you intend to count towards the major. The petition is reviewed by the department’s Undergraduate Faculty Advisor. It is possible for a determination to be made prior to departure.

Are students in your department able to undertake a senior honors thesis the semester following UCEAP participation?

Yes, however, the Honors Thesis program is year-long, taking place over the entirety of Senior year, and must be completed on campus. Given that, students interested in pursuing an Honors Thesis would have to participate in UCEAP prior to the start of their senior year. Or, alternatively, the Fall following the year undertaking their thesis, if taking a 5th/9th semester.

Does your department calculate UCEAP grades into departmental GPA?


Are UCEAP grades counted towards departmental honors?


If you represent a department which teaches foreign language, does your department award major credit for the courses taken during the Intensive Language Program (ILP) portion of the UCEAP program?


Does the undergraduate adviser sign the UCEAP academic planning form, or must a faculty adviser sign?

The undergraduate adviser.

Does your department place Academic holds on declared majors prior to each registration period? If yes, what is your departmental policy on releasing advising holds for students currently abroad on UCEAP (e.g. is advising possible via email, skype, etc.)?

We don’t currently place holds on declared majors.

Do you have any department specific advice for students participating in a UCEAP program in their last term at Berkeley?

Please discuss your study abroad plans with your major adviser.

Independent Programs Questionnaire

Have any Independent programs been approved by your department and the Study Abroad Advisory board for credit in the major?


Are there any pre-approved courses for your major from other UC summer abroad programs (UCLA, UCD, etc.)?


What is the process to have a course from an Independent study abroad program evaluated for your major?

Contact the department for more information.