Summer Abroad Info Session - Paris, Muslims in the West

Date/Time and Location
This study abroad course examines the modern Muslim presence in France and Western Europe, including immigration, refugee history, and the unfolding political, social, intellectual, economic, architectural, currents in the country. In Paris, students will interact with local academics, community leaders and members and visit the critical collections in museums that formed and continue to shape the imaginary of the Muslim “other.” Students will visit the locations associated with current Muslim presence in Paris, meet with recent immigrants/refugees, explore the type of assistance and restrictions prevalent in the country, and explore the emergence of replacement theories and the racial categorization emerging from this particular period. The course will introduce the students to Islam and the ideas that shaped its early development in the European and British contexts and continuing with a systematic presentation of unfolding political, social, intellectual, economic, architectural, and cultural events, which continue to cast a profound shadow on the present.
Highlights include:
- Engage with high profile guest speakers located in France.
- Meet with recent immigrants, refugees, and community workers to understand the contemporary issues faced by Muslim communities in France
- Visit significant locations associated with current Muslim communities in Paris.
- Visits to deconstruct critical collections in museums that formed and continue to shape the imaginary of the Muslim “other.”
Visit our program page to learn more!