Kate Finman

Kate Finman

Major: Political Science, Society and Environment, minor in Journalism


What led you to study abroad? Why did you choose your country/program?

I chose to study abroad for several reasons. The first is that I wanted a new experience and to learn more about the world. Although unconventional, my first semester was a great time to study abroad for me (although I will be studying abroad again) because I could really focus on the place I was in and the classes that I wanted to take, as I didn't have to focus on my majors yet. Finally, I wanted a way to control my class sizes for my first semester at Berkeley (which it turns out was unnecessary because large classes are okay), but I felt I would have more control over my schedule in this way. I chose the Global Edge program because it was similar to programs that I was looking at in other schools and gave me the amazing opportunity to find a community and travel so early in my college career!

What was the most interesting cultural experience you had abroad?

The most interesting cultural experience I had in London was learning from experience, the newspapers, a tour of Parliament, and Dan (my AMAZING PoliSci professor) about British politics. It was a really exciting time to be in England, due to Brexit and the dispute over party leadership in the majority party, and I learned so much about how the government and society operate across the pond!

What was the biggest challenge/concern of your study abroad experience? How did you respond?

The biggest concern of my study abroad experience was living with other people who I didn't know very well. This was my first time living in an apartment with just other people my age, and it definitely took some adjusting! It ended up being a super fun experience, and we settled any nerves or possible conflicts through open lines of communication!

Describe a typical day for you abroad.

In England, a typical day would start with me walking to classes. I would usually grab something quick and cheap for lunch at a corner store right where we were studying. After, I would go back to the flat, drop my books off, and make a quick dinner. After I finished eating, I would grab what I needed for homework and take public transportation to a new place in London (I tried to go to a new museum, park, shop, street, etc. every day while I was there). When I was done exploring for the day, I would head over to my favorite place to study (The Barbican Center) and finish whatever work I had. Then, I would take public transportation home!

What coursework did you take while abroad? How did courses abroad compare with Berkeley classes?

While abroad, I took a course on Comparative Politics, an Ancient Philosophy course, a course called British Museums, and a writing course which focused on exploring England. My courses were similar (if not a little easier) than my classes on campus, but they were definitely more interesting! While my friends back at Berkeley would be sitting in lectures for three hours (which is okay too!), I would be going to a museum with Roger (an amazing professor) or exploring a new part of England with Sam (my writing teacher!). My comparative politics class was much more hands-on and interesting abroad than in London because we were able to compare the UK to the US a lot more easily, and I was able to travel to some of the other countries we talked about for a weekend to get some more personal experience!

What was the most memorable/meaningful aspect of your time abroad?

The most memorable aspect of my time abroad was simply the city of London itself! I will admit, I didn't go to London expecting to like it that much. England has never been my dream destination, and I was more excited to travel on weekends. However, I absolutely fell head over heels for London! The parks were beautiful (and free!) and there were countless museums which I could get lost in for hours (and they were free!). I miss British culture for sure, and my favorite times were exploring the city. I will never forget my time in London, and I will forever consider it one of my homes!

What impact did studying abroad have on you personally?

I grew so much as a person while studying abroad. I learned how to take care of and handle myself, how to live with other people, how to navigate a new space, how to take advantage of and truly appreciate the opportunities in front of me, and so much more! I am so grateful for my first study abroad experience; and, although it was only three short months, I am a better, more well-rounded person for going.

What would you recommend to students considering studying abroad, especially to your country or program?

I would recommend that students try to see a new thing every day! It is super easy to get bogged down in classes or routine or find a place you like and stick with it, but going to a new place every day made me do and see things that ordinarily I would never have tried. It also helped me get to know the city better and experience more of the culture than I would have.